Thursday, July 25, 2024

Amazon S3: Basic Concepts

Amazon S3 is an reliable, scalable, online object storage that stores files.

  • Bucket: A bucket is a container in Amazon S3 where the files are uploaded. Files are stored in buckets. We need at least one bucket to store the files.
    • Bucket name has to be unique because it is shared by all users.
    • Buckets can't have nested buckets but can have nested directories.
    • Maximum of 100 buckets can be created in a single account.
    • There is no size limit on buckets.
    • We can't rename a bucket once created.
    • Buckets can be accessed via HTTP URLs as follows.
      • http://<BUCKET_NAME><OBJECT_NAME>
    • Buckets can be managed via
      • REST-Style HTTP Interface
      • SOAP Interface
    • The access logging feature if enabled, keeps track of bucket requests such as request type, resources accessed, date and time when requested.
  • Object: An object is a file on Amazon S3. Each object is assigned a unique identifier. Every object is stored in a bucket. Objects consist of data and metadata.
    • Objects can be managed via
      • REST-style HTTP Interface
      • SOAP Interface
    • Objects can be downloaded via
      • HTTP GET Interface
      • BitTorrent protocol
    • Every object is assigned a key as an identifier and is unique. 
    • Objects can be added to a folder in either of two ways
      • Add Files option - Individual files can be uploaded using this option.
      • Enable enhanced uploader - This option is used when we need to upload whole folders.
    • There are two options under Set Details section on files.
        • Use Reduced Redundancy Storage - Non critical data can be set to use reduced redundancy storage. Using this will store the file at lower levels of redundancy compared to standard storage class.
      • Use Server Side Encryption
        • This is for security. Data is encrypted while storing. When object is accessed, Amazon S3 decrypts the data.
    • Use server side encryption has two options.
      • Use the Amazon S3 service master key
      • Use an AWS Key Management Service master key
  • Key: A key is a unique identifier for an object within the bucket. Combination of bucket, key and version ID uniquely identifies each object. 
  • Region: We might want to choose the geographical region where Amazon S3 will store buckets.
  • Folder: The folders in Amazon S3 are S3 files that are used to put Amazon S3 objects together under one group. This is analogous to Directory.
  • Versioning: Versioning helps us to retrieve old objects. We can retrieve deleted and updated objects. When an object is deleted, Amazon S3 inserts a delete marker rather than deleting it permanently.
    • Versioning is enabled at bucket level.
    • Versioning can be enabled in any of the following states.
      • Unversioned - the default
      • Versioning enabled
      • Versioning suspended.
    • By default, when versioning is enabled Amazon S3 stores all versions of an object.
    • To control the limit of versions, enable "Lifecycle rules" for the object. These rules will delete the old files.
  • Data consistency Model: S3 provides eventual consistency for read-after-write. 
    • If we make a GET request to an object after an update request, we might get old data if update is not complete, else we will get latest data.
    • S3 would return old data or updated data but will never return partial data.
    • Amazon S3 provides high consistency by replication data across multiple servers. 
    • If a PUT request is successful, data is safely stored across multiple servers.
    • If changes have to be made to a file, the change has to be replicated across all locations and this will take time. Any GET request during this time period might return old data until change is fully propagated.

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Amazon S3: Basic Concepts

Amazon S3 is an reliable, scalable, online object storage that stores files. Bucket: A bucket is a container in Amazon S3 where the fil...